Monday, August 22, 2005

You're Not Supposed to Question the Man Upstairs, but...
All my life I've been told that God has a plan for us all. We may not always agree or want to deal with the hand we've been dealt, but still we persevere. I do believe that God has a plan for us, but today I'm left wondering what His plan is supposed to be.

This morning I got the awful news that a co-worker's 16-year-old daughter had been killed in a car accident. Rachel was a beautiful, vibrant young woman, the kind of girl you hoped your daughter would turn out to be. Now because of a stupid mistake, she will never know the joys that other teenagers experience: prom, graduation, going to college. Her parents will never see their daughter get married and have a family. A boy now has to grow up without his big sister. It just stinks.

And it's not just Rachel's death that has me thinking this. Saturday night a football player for the San Francisco 49ers collapsed and died after a game. All of his teammates have described him as a happy young man, always laughing, someone who wanted nothing more than to help his family financially. Why him?

Death happens. It's a fact of life. I guess God doesn't want the bad ones. He only takes the good. But then as I wonder why these young people's lives were cut so short, I do feel good knowing that they are now guardian angels. I don't know. I know that God has a plan. I just wish He'd let me in on it.

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